RE: trolled! (Re: Code Red 2 Erratication)

Nuff said,

I’m tired of getting email from net.kook as well. Sorry all but the thought is that sending back a few packets to a Victimizing system is bad has got me mad. Sorry to have wasted packets on this.


Nuff said,

  I'm tired of getting email from net.kook as well. Sorry all but the
thought is that sending back a few packets to a Victimizing system is bad
has got me mad. Sorry to have wasted packets on this.

50MB is "a few packets"? Quite a few...and if you have modest sized
pipes, you could just end of DoSing yourself...a T1 would be saturated for
four and a half minutes per request.

> NOTHING I have offered that is not already known. You come to my website,
> ask for a file (default.ida) and I send it to you, Wheres the DOS in that?

Who comes to your website? The worm, not the hapless (ok, and somewhat
clueless) victim.

James Smallacombe PlantageNet, Inc. CEO and Janitor