RE: Transit politics (Telus blocking sites it does not like)

A nice succinct analysis (by an actual lawyer (law prof) who
specializes in Canadian Internet law) can be found at

I think the court allowed them to.


Telus Corp. is moving aggressively in the opening days of the showdown
with its chief union, securing a sweeping injunction to limit picketing
and blocking access to two pro-union websites.


On the same day it obtained the injunction, Telus blocked its
subscribers from a pro-union website, Voices for Change. The site is run
by a union shop steward, but not funded by the TWU. The site is the host
to discussion forums, in which some union members posted internal
company documents that detailed safe methods for crossing picket lines,
as well as digital photos of workers and managers still on the job.


Bruce Okabe, Telus vice-president of business solutions, said his
company would be "morally negligent" if it had not tried to cut off
access, but would not say if his company would have blocked the site if
another company had been the target. Mr. Okabe questioned why anyone
would want to publicly distribute pictures of workers who had crossed
picket lines, saying that to do so imperils the safety of those


From the following Globe and mail article.
