RE: Statements against

From: []
Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2001 6:47 PM

> You're kidding, right? After what MHSC just went through,
if someone were to
> offer a routable/portable /24, my only response would be to
ask where you
> wanted the body delivered. It would be warm and cooling
upon delivery.
> Portable/routable IP addresses are MORE desireable than
domain names.
Yes -- but no one IP is any more or less desirable than any other IP,
assuming both are portable, routable, and routed. Not so with domain
names. Anyone want to guess how much would sell for?
As opposed
to, say, ...

Wrongo, a routable portable IP block is MUCH more desireable than a
non-routable one. This usually means legacy space. ISP specific and CIDR
swamps are not cool. It must be portable and routable. See, I just created a
market differentiator. Rather, I pointed one out. In the DNS world, it's
specific string, in the IP-block world, it's the attributes associated with
the particular block.

BTW, i've been getting comments that some folks are biasing evaluations of
some clients, based on the ip addrs of the client's hosts. They know which
ones are in AboveNet, ELI, etc co-lo's.

ISP specific reasonably well if you want to multihome w/ BGP, but cannot
honestly justify a provider-independent IP allocation as per registry
guidelines, assuming some level of common sense is exercised when
planning things.

CIDR swamps are not cool.

Sorry I'm not an authority on what's cool in your book, but why not?

It must be portable and routable. See, I just created a market

So, encourage the ARIN to offer micro-allocations today, and upstreams
to listen to /24 (or whatever) and shorter out of this space, if and
when it does become available. With the backing of MHSC, I'd imagine
such a task should be effortless.

BTW, i've been getting comments that some folks are biasing
evaluations of some clients, based on the ip addrs of the client's

Oh my. I thought all one needed to be stylin' was a low AS number.
Do tell, which IP blocks are prestigious, and which are not?
