RE: Statements against

From: Scott Francis []
Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2001 11:13 PM

On Tue, Mar 13, 2001 at 08:47:05PM -0800, Patrick Greenwell
had this to say:
> >
> > Unfortunately, "the market" tends to consist in large
majority of 1) users,
> > and 2) management. And we all know how bright those two particular
> > segments of the population tend to be.
> Well, those are the people defining your paycheck, sure you
want to write
> them off so quickly?

the very reason they pay my (all our) paycheck is for
technical expertise -

Not! They pay for connectivity and for you to meet their expectations.
Operators are NOT programmers. Operators didn't build the system,
programmers did. Operators are hired to simply keep the system running.
Guess who they both work for? ... that's right, Managers whom report to
owners/stockholders, who want you to keep customers happy, so that they make
more money. Your technical expertise is almost incidental to that process.

if Joe Q. User had technical expertise sufficient to make
informed decisions on this type of matter, why would he need
to hire a network operator?

Because they would rather be doing more important things, like make money,
pay mortgages, go on vacation ... It's the reason that AOL stays in

I'm not saying that users, clients and management don't have
their place -

Wrongo, they don't have a place, they OWN the place! Whatever else they may
be, the customer is always right! You are simply their servent.

but I _AM_ saying that place is _not_ in making critical
_technical_ decisions that will have a significant,
possibly severely detrimental, effect on the
future of the networks they have hired _us_ to operate for them.

I remember such statements, from the IBM priest-hood, in the early 80's. It
was considered beyond arrogant, even then. Tell this to your CEO. They will
humor you and then do what they want anyway. They may, or maynot, keep you
around. But, you will certainly be marked as a typical geek-without-clue
and upward mobility will thereafter be restricted. It's called a
glass-ceiling. Back in the day ... you rarely saw ex-IBM System Operators
higher than middle-management.

> You might want to take a long, careful, hard look at who has been doing
> the sanctioning and how they've been making those decisions before


> on the bandwagon. Just a friendly suggestion.

This whole matter boils down to one question - that being,
what way is the
Right Way to operate DNS or its equivalent? It seems to me
(and a few others)
that, logically, any hierarchical system _must_ have an
ultimate authority -
not 2 or 3 or 27, which is essentially what is trying
to do: create an alternate ultimate authority. How exactly will a user


How does any of this help me configure my router ?

Roeland Meyer wrote:

Will your router's DNS resolver be able to resolve these new domains?