"Third and finally, if you are really not a spammer, or you are truly reformed, de-listing is relatively easy. You donate US$50 to a charity or trust approved by, and not connected with, SORBS for each spam received relating to the listing (This is known and refered to as the SORBS 'fine'). "

That doesn't make a lot of sense. It's an interesting answer to
the BotNet spamming problem, but not really a solution, IMHO.


From Spam & Escalated Listing FAQ

"Third and finally, if you are really not a spammer, or you are truly reformed, de-listing is relatively easy. You donate US$50 to a charity or trust approved by, and not connected with, SORBS for each spam received relating to the listing (This is known and refered to as the SORBS 'fine'). "

That doesn't make a lot of sense. It's an interesting answer to the BotNet spamming problem, but not really a solution, IMHO.

It's just cynicism at it's best. I like people who can be smartasses without being asses, but this is ridiculous if they want to be a serious service, and cute if they are looking to make jokes.


It's just cynicism at it's best. I like people who can be smartasses without being asses, but this is ridiculous if they want to be a serious service, and cute if they are looking to make jokes.


I totally agree. Although $50 is a little steep. I've seen people fly in to gargantuan rant -dare I say temper tantrum- over a $5 parking fine. One only needs to charge a fine of any type to get people worked up about it. A $5 "you were stupid, now pay here to get off the blacklist" fine would probably be much easier to deal with for a lot more people, but still be considered "No, I am not going to pay your ridiculous fine." (and there's not a darn thing you can do about it! I'm mad has heck, and by gosh, I'm not gonna take it any more!) by about the same number of people as before.

The thing about running a dns blacklist, is that one doesn't have to be a serious service. One merely has to operate a blacklist on a whim, and certain [equally irresponsible] mail admins, fed up with spam, will use it no matter how ridiculous one's listing or delisting procedures are.

On the flip side, when one finds their IP on a blacklist, it's nearly impossible to know how many servers are actually using the blacklist, so it's impossible to gage the seriousness of the blacklist entry. It's blacklist terrorism.

And yes, I'm still kicking around the idea of a bgp route feed style "aggregation blacklist." I wonder if that makes me an "ip routing terrorist?" :slight_smile:


> "Third and finally, if you are really not a spammer, or you are truly

reformed, de-listing is relatively easy. You donate US$50 to a charity or
trust approved by, and not connected with, SORBS for each spam received
relating to the listing (This is known and refered to as the SORBS 'fine').

> That doesn't make a lot of sense. It's an interesting answer to
> the BotNet spamming problem, but not really a solution, IMHO.

It's just cynicism at it's best. I like people who can be smartasses
without being asses, but this is ridiculous if they want to be a serious
service, and cute if they are looking to make jokes.

... and perfect if they want to become sentimental favourites with the
nanas/nanae crowd/mob, which is what they're shooting for imo. how about
they buy me a lollipop if i'm a service provider who just booted a spam
source and needs ip space delisted?


"Third and finally, if you are really not a spammer, or you are truly


de-listing is relatively easy. You donate US$50 to a charity or trust


by, and not connected with, SORBS for each spam received relating to the
listing (This is known and refered to as the SORBS 'fine'). "

That doesn't make a lot of sense. It's an interesting answer to
the BotNet spamming problem, but not really a solution, IMHO. is who you want to talk to, IIRC.