RE: Re[2]: williams spamhaus blacklist

Ehm, that was because you, WERE the spam outfit, of
course we block your 'entire network', it was an entire network of
spammers with no real customers. You can pretend Infolink is an
'EyeEshPee' all you like Mr Leary but what we see is this, from your
ROKSO record:

This is exactly the problem with certain e-mail block lists (i.e. A few zealots who control this particular block list
have made a decision based on inaccurate information.

Mr. Linford has listed (in his block list) 48 /24s allocated to Infolink
(yes we are a real ISP with real customers) for 2 customers we are
working to terminate.

In addition, as previously mentioned, Mr. Linford refuses to remove
listings once we notify him of the termination.

Given the above, it is imprudent for any network operator (North
American or Other) to use Mr. Linford's SBL to restrict the delivery of

Dynamic block lists such as Spamcop will be much more effective at
blocking spam, while allowing normal e-mail to flow as it should.

Jon Ham/Infolink Network Administration
Toll Free (USA) +1 877 293 2095 ext. 1422
Tel. +1 305 324 1616 ext. 1422

[at the risk of getting whacked by Sue Harris, like: what does "operational"
mean anyway when the flood of criminal activity that's been the subject of
discussion here in recent days is frustrating massive amounts of ordinary
customers/Internet users, who will turn away from the Internet in frustration
altogether ; the impact on operators should be quite obvious]

This is exactly the problem with certain e-mail block lists (i.e. A few zealots who control this particular block list
have made a decision based on inaccurate information.

Mr. Linford has listed (in his block list) 48 /24s allocated to Infolink
(yes we are a real ISP with real customers) for 2 customers we are
working to terminate.

In addition, as previously mentioned, Mr. Linford refuses to remove
listings once we notify him of the termination.

And with good reason.

Given the above, it is imprudent for any network operator (North
American or Other) to use Mr. Linford's SBL to restrict the delivery of

It is inadvisable for any network operator to even accept your BGP
announcements like yours, inbound into their network:

Anyone who is bleeding 32 /24's in addition to an enclosing /19 supernet
(presumably out of incompetence, but maybe this is part of a strategy to
circumvent less-skilled operators nullrouting the /19 at router level,
and failing to notice that that doesn't work when there's longer
is worthy of being dropped for stealing too much of our router CPU/RAM.

Anyone who (at least at one point in the past) replied to mail sent to
abuse@FQDN with a note that the complaint will be ignored and the only
complaints that will be addressed (yeah right) are those sent in
PLAIN OLD PAPER HARDCOPY, deserves no access to other networks whatsoever.

Any ASN that announces the equivalent of only 51 /24's, yet manages to
generate 106 AUP violations (mailing spamtraps, dead users, failing to
yield to SMTP 550, etc., many of them continuous 'repeat action') in a
four month period to 2 rather small MXs, and continues such illegal
trespass after their 4 upstreams are informed (and have in turn informed
you) of this continuously, deserves to be dropped until the end of time.

Current AS 15083 upstreams:
2914 (Verio) 16631 (Cogentco) 19094 (Adelphia/

My guess is that abuse@ people at (at least) Verio and Adelphia are tipping
on their toes, waiting until the complaint count has reached the magic number
high enough to term you with their management's support, so you can go find
yourself some new upstreams - again. That won't change our stance of blocking
you by ASN, IP space and known domain names - indefinitely.

Given that there is 1000's of systems like ours, this makes the SBL listing
seem like an insignificant problem for your so-called "ethucal bizniz".
