RE: Performance Issues - PTR Records

Historically, there was no compelling reason to create PTR
records for our CPE however more and more applications seem
to be dependent on it. Although we will be assigning a
record for each address, my question is why
is the application (specifically HTTP) dependent on a reverse record ?
What is the purpose?

As a web host, we frequently find customers who have
added Apache rules to their ecommerce sites to block
undesirable traffic, such as credit card scammers, etc.
Not knowing any better, they often do this by just
blocking anything that ends in .in to block Indonesia
for example. Well, once you choose to block by
resolved name, now that site has to do a dns lookup
for every incoming request to see if it resolves to a
name that should be blocked.

Just one example, but I'm sure there are countless
others that also impede performance for IP addresses
without a PTR record.


That's even less effective than you'd naively expect, given that Indonesia's
TLD is .id...

- Matt

As a web host, we frequently find customers who have

> added Apache rules to their ecommerce sites to block
> undesirable traffic, such as credit card scammers, etc.
> Not knowing any better, they often do this by just
> blocking anything that ends in .in to block Indonesia
> for example. Well, once you choose to block by
> resolved name, now that site has to do a dns lookup
> for every incoming request to see if it resolves to a
> name that should be blocked.

Another practical problem with this approach is that .IN is India but
hey, at least it blocks something :slight_smile:

Another practical problem with this approach is that .IN is India but
hey, at least it blocks something :slight_smile:

There are also some services out there that block connections
entirely, if the user doesn't have a PTR record.
I'm thinking IRC servers, MUDs, and some other services with strange
security policies that check for a port 113 IDENT response and RDNS to
make a dark magic security decision to block a user who has no PTR.

But in the modern world... more commonly, MTAs such as sendmail are
often configured to require a valid PTR record. So as an ISP, you
may be breaking your user's local MTA if you don't have the correct
PTR for their IP addresses.

So I would say following the RFCs and implementing the proper PTRs
will help with that performance issue as a side-effect of having a
valid zone, and head off other issues with possibly less
popular services that are still blocking connections based on lack of
proper PTR. :slight_smile: