RE: Our Qwest Testimonial: was up all night, down again this morning.

Blah. Their idea of redundant links must have been 1 fiber into Tower 1 and
another into Tower 2. They'll never BOTH go away, Right?

Not to say anything about Qwest, but honestly, I would have thought fiber into each tower *WAS* "redundant" (assuming separate fiber paths into each building so one backhoe cannot hit both).

Until last week anyway.....

This really is way outside most people's "disaster recovery" scenarios. I can see the thinking now: "If both WTC towers fall over, we have much bigger things to worry about than fiber cuts." And they were right.

This really is way outside most people's "disaster recovery" scenarios. I
can see the thinking now: "If both WTC towers fall over, we have much
bigger things to worry about than fiber cuts." And they were right.

Right as far as that goes, yes. But since fiber paths of that kind are used
to feed cell towers and other parts of the communications infrastructure
including emergency services infrastructure, it IS worth thinking about
communications robustness even in the face of destruction on this scale. Not
so that folks can surf the web but so that folks in air pockets can call out
to their rescuers.