RE: OT: password reset.

I eventually got an email stating it couldn't associate my email address
with an active CCO ID. I'm guessing their system is getting backed up
because it's affecting lots of people. Next step:

"Please email to have your correct email address
with your User ID. To ensure you receive prompt attention, please
all of the following details:

  1 Maintenance contract or Account number you used in your registration
  2 The user ID your believe you have
  3 Full name
  4 Company name

Chuck Church
Lead Design Engineer
Netco Government Services - Design & Implementation
1210 N. Parker Rd.
Greenville, SC 29609
Home office: 864-335-9473
Cell: 703-819-3495
PGP key:

I eventually got an email stating it couldn't associate my email address
with an active CCO ID. I'm guessing their system is getting backed up
because it's affecting lots of people. Next step:

Send three times from mutt, and got same complainment about non-existing
account, tried fourth time with mail and that worked, perhaps coincidence.
Might be that the backend is just highly loaded, and the account poller
script doesn't cope too well with error message or zero answer from backend.

We began having this problem yesterday for about 30+ accounts. Some passwords weren't changed, some were, and some users received a response that they weren't valid users.. This is the response I received from Cisco..

A third-party security research organization has brought to our attention an issue in a search tool that could expose passwords for registered users. registered users consists of employees, customers, partners, and other third-party users.

In order to protect our registered users, we�re taking the proactive step of resetting passwords and instructing users to contact CCO-locksmith to receive a new password. Users who attempt to access the site in the meantime will receive a �failed log-in� message with instructions on how to reset their password.

The password reset process will take place between midnight and close of business U.S. Pacific time on August 2. Once the reset process is finished, I�d ask that you reach out to your customers and partners and make sure they have visited the site and reset their passwords.

We�re investigating the incident, and will work with outside agencies as appropriate. The incident does not appear to be due to a weakness in our security products and technologies or with our network infrastructure.

Thanks in advance for proactively reaching out to our customers and partners and walking them through the minor inconvenience of resetting their passwords.

Church, Chuck wrote:,39024655,39150991,00.htm