Re: On consistency and

RFC 5736 was obsoleted by RFC 6890.

It says in part:

2.2.1. Information Requirements

The IPv4 and IPv6 Special-Purpose Address Registries maintain the

following information regarding each entry:

o Forwardable - A boolean value indicating whether a router may

forward an IP datagram whose destination address is drawn from the

allocated special-purpose address block between external


That means that some IP addresses in the block may be routable.

So, I would not make this a bogon.

A better way to filter IP routes is by policy, for example based upon

IRR and RPKI records.

That means that some IP addresses in the block may be routable.

So, I would not make this a bogon.

This ignores note 2 on the IANA definitions page, next to :

[2] |

<br>Not useable unless by virtue of a more specific reservation.<br>


  • | - |

Which then lists the more specific reservations, of which SOME are forwardable , and some are not.

The categorization as ‘bogon’ or not would really be determined by individual operator use cases, and where/how such a bogon filter is applied.

From what I looked at IANA Special Registry, this whole range looks
like some service IPs. I mean, they provide specific service within AS.
From me then, it looks like bogon. You should not receive routing for those
addresses from other AS. (PNI is out of scope here).

It feels like people are talking past each other when they are saying “routable” — these are fairly clearly not routable on the Global Internet, but addresses like (the TURN anycast address) look like they are intended to be routed within a network:

"IP anycast can also be used for TURN service discovery. A packet

sent to an anycast address is delivered to the "topologically

nearest" network interface with the anycast address."

but this is clearly not supposed to leak:

"In a network without any TURN server that is aware of the TURN

anycast address, outgoing TURN requests could leak out onto the

external Internet, possibly revealing information.

Using an IANA-assigned well-known TURN anycast address enables border

gateways to block such outgoing packets. In the default-free zone,

routers should be configured to drop such packets."