(sic) is a matter of interpretation, and, you already said the talks
suck. The PC said they don't get enough talks. Some of the talks are
going to be filler.


Members aren't looking for Operator experience (sic). Members are
looking for talks that do not suck.

(sic) is a matter of interpretation, and, you already said the talks
suck. The PC said they don't get enough talks. Some of the talks are
going to be filler.

Put more constructively, the PC is in need of talks that are

  technical, or techy enough to be of interest
  not too long
  not too short
  not too obscure
  not marketing blather
  not vendor pitches (but *neutral* "white papers" might be ok)

It is true that the PC will not get enough of these if it continues to
rely on contributions. Which of us *wants* to present? Public speaking
is the number one common fear, bar none. Part of the job of the PC,
therefore, will be to solicit, cajole, bribe, lie, cheat, steal, extort,
embarass, flatter, and guilt people into making presentations. Thus, it
would appear that prime qualifications are:

a) ability to distinguish presentations of the class above, and
b) ability to convince such presentations to come to the podium

One voter's opinion,

p.s. No, I'm not a candidate. If elected, I will not serve. :wink:

It is true that the PC will not get enough of these if it continues to
rely on contributions. Which of us *wants* to present? Public speaking
is the number one common fear, bar none.

  Speaking only for myself, I'm not afraid of public speaking. It does have to be a topic I feel comfortable with, which usually means either re-using a talk that I have previously done before (albeit updated), or updating a topic that I've talked on before.

  The former is easier for me, as I can take an existing presentation and re-work it (more or less). The latter is more difficult but probably more interesting for many in the audience who may have seen the presentation before.

  All you gotta do is help me get there, help me with the cost of staying there, and fit into my schedule. I don't require any speakers fees, and for small conferences I'd be willing to help more with the expenses, but larger conferences would need to provide more of the funding themselves. However, I will consider all offers.

  My registration at the SAGE Speakers Bureau (see <;\) is a little old, but mostly still correct.

p.s. No, I'm not a candidate. If elected, I will not serve. :wink:

  I'm not a candidate either, and will not serve if anyone was stupid enough to try to elect me.

  But I'd be happy to speak, if someone was interested in hearing me.