RE: National Do Not Call Registry has opened

Ladies and Gentlemen,

This has been an extremely difficult day for me personally and professionally due to many issues we had. Without going into the painful details, let me assure the community my original post was for exactly for the reason I posted - and we do indeed know how to run a standards compliant mail system. A side effect to the problems encountered was an inability to send a valid IP address among other things to operate the mail system and instead sending a static LB IP address, which effectively made all our mail look, as Mr.Sprunk so eloquently phrased, suspicious looking.

We are over the hump - lost a tremendous amount of credibility and the opportunity to show "the government at work". The FTC has put their all into this project and the associated laws which I would hope all of you anti-spam police would appreciate. My apologies to the community for all the trash email this fiasco has produced, but more so to my customer for not delivering the quality they deserve.

Must've been a doubly hard day huh?



Don't take it so hard. The news outlets are portraying the public's
response as so massive and unprecedented that you should be able to spin
that to your advantage. Remind the naysayers of the hundreds of
thousands of people that were able to register. You have worked hard to
remove a public nuisance. Revel in it.

Christopher J. Wolff, VP CIO
Broadband Laboratories, Inc.

While it's possible to make many comments about "how things could
have been done better" on this project, I want to take the time to
commend you for taking time to ask the question. Many "big company"
and/or "big government" projects happen all the time, with no one
even asking the community for input or assistance. So, while the
roll out was not trouble free, your very public effort to help is
a step above for this type of project.

I do hope the efforts to make this service more RFC and BCP friendly,
as well as doing generally "good things" will continue. While I'm
sure here many think they could do a better job, which may even be
true for some specific issues, the challenges of launching a service
under a government contract are large, and only compounded by it
being the lead story on nearly every new network.

Now, if only congress, the FTC, and the FCC could do for spam what
they are doing for the telephone.