RE: NANOG Changes

From: []On Behalf Of
Michel Py
Sent: Sunday, February 20, 2005 4:20 PM
To: William Allen Simpson;
Subject: RE: NANOG Changes

> William Allen Simpson wrote:
> Please, the interim-moderators should moderate, and the
> bylaws drafters should draft, and they should be separate.
> It's the usual difference between the Chair and the Editor
> (or Raporteur, or Recording Secretary).
> I introduced this important division to the IETF many years
> ago....
> Since they accepted the moderation function, they've
> disqualified themselves from the drafting function.

[ snip ]

As I was browsing the archive, I
noticed my post and his and another one from William Leizon
that quoted
mine have been removed from it.

From what I understand, the archive feature wasn't turned on until

just before the first post that was actually archived appeared.


So, now that archiving is on (for those of us reading the archive instead of subbing to the traffic), can those posts be resubmitted for the sake of posterity?

- billn