RE: Moscow: global power outage

Or maybe one of those upteen bazillion Generators that Soviet Government
touted a year or so ago.

Or maybe one of those upteen bazillion Generators

Upteen bazillion is not a number. And if you check this BBC
news story BBC NEWS | Europe | Crime probe after Moscow blackout
you will see that generators are available because they
used them to get the underground trains into the nearest
station in order to evacuate in an orderly fashion

that Soviet Government

The Soviet government was formally dissolved on the
8th of December 1991. On the 26th of December 1991 the
Supreme Soviet repealed the declaration that had established
the USSR then voted to dissolve itself.

touted a year or so ago.

By my calculations, a year or so ago is *AFTER* the end
of the Soviet government.

At 14:30 in London, it is still difficult to reach Russian
websites (extremely slow) which suggests that although there
are still connections into Russia, the main bandwidth circuits
are not yet functioning.

Yet another example of why it is not a good idea to rely too
heavily on any centralized infrastructure or systems.

--Michael Dillon

And if you check this BBC
news story
you will see that generators are available because they
used them to get the underground trains into the nearest
station in order to evacuate in an orderly fashion

If you can read Russian, there is a lot more information
on the BBC's Russian language page here

The cascading failure affected Moscow and towns as far as
200km south of the city. 95% of people were evacuated from
the Metro by 1pm. They are restoring power in phases, hospitals
are expected to be running by 3 pm Moscow time. The outage
hit the southern half of Moscow and some parts of the northern
half of the city. Many traffic signals were down and militia
officers were manually directing traffic.

No mention of Internet stuff but they do point out that the
space flight centre in Korolev was functioning normally.

--Michael Dillon