RE: Mexico City Internet Bandwidth suggestions

Thanks, Brian, for your response. If we were to take a rough poll,
which one of the two, Alestra or Avantel, would get the prize for
highest uptime/availability? I'll call both and check them out, just
curious how you'd rank them. Thanks again for helping me find these!!


If we were to take a rough poll,
which one of the two, Alestra or Avantel, would get the prize for
highest uptime/availability?

Sorry for the delay. I installed the network as a consultant 3 or so years ago.My client's Operations staff have been extremely competent in handling it
since then, so I haven't had to be involved since then. I've asked them for
their input, and this is their response ...

Alestra has better uptime and is better for national (Mexico) routes.
Avantel has better international (especially USA) routes.

Hope that helps,
