RE: Measuring BGP routes

Be cautious not to rely on a show ip bgp sum many IOS versions (I don't
remember specifically) have a bug that makes that number inaccurate.

Most of the tools I have seen have basically done a show ip bgp
collected the whole table and parsed it. I know I wrote a tool like that
when I was a wcom.

As for tracking update packets/sec vs prefixes updated/sec, one of the
juniper trace options I think flag update, gives a summary of how many
prefixes were updated.

*edited for length*

Most of the tools I have seen have basically done a show ip bgp
collected the whole table and parsed it. I know I wrote a tool like that

Is there any reason this is preferable to establishing an eBGP multihop
session with the box and receiving the information by that means?


BGP only passes along the best route. 'show ip bgp' gives you all routes.
Unless, of course, your vendor supports something like Juniper's


Bradley Dunn wrote:

Bradley et al,

FYI, the "advertise-inactive" feature was (at least until very recently)
a documentation bug. See the message included below from John Allen at
