RE: Lazy network operators

David Cantrell wrote:
Sounds to me like you need a new ISP.

Stephen J. Wilcox:
Not being happy with the ISP's smarthost is not justification
to run your own; you should change ISPs..

Always like when people have miracle solutions. Care to suggest just _one_ that does it for $36 a month? That includes:
- Static IP
- 384k up
- 1.5m down
- historically very high reliability
- national dial-up account included
- 50 meg attachements authorized
- mailing list traffic (large number of recipients)

I'm all ears?

Daryl G. Jurbala wrote:
Reverting to 56k dialup to solve a mail relay
problem on your only choice for 3MB/512k service
doesn't exactly sound reasonable.

Thank you.

Petri Helenius wrote:
Changing providers when problems arise is a viable
option when;
- Available services are more uniform
- Email addresses are generally portable
- Switching your local access provider happens in
less than a business day or two
And as has been previously stated, most people
don�t have multiple options for local provider
unless they want to dial up.

Thank you.


> David Cantrell wrote:
> Sounds to me like you need a new ISP.

> Stephen J. Wilcox:
> Not being happy with the ISP's smarthost is not justification
> to run your own; you should change ISPs..

Always like when people have miracle solutions. Care to suggest just _one_
that does it for $36 a month? That includes:

Move to the UK, I'll do one for you..

- Static IP
- 384k up
- 1.5m down
- historically very high reliability
- national dial-up account included
- 50 meg attachements authorized
- mailing list traffic (large number of recipients)

I'm all ears?

Ok so now you hit another problem, what you're saying is that the cablecos are
running at such small margin that they are no longer in a position to implement
policies like this and fix their smarthost systems?

Sounds like this solution has come to a halt on economic grounds.


Sounds like this solution has come to a halt on economic grounds.

And THAT is another form of laziness!

Why not ask yourself what new opportunities might
be opened up by fixing the Internet email architecture so
that email can, once again, be a tool for business and for
social development? Spending money can be an expense or
an investment. It's all in how you look at it. Once your
thinking gets trapped in the expense/costcutting mentality
you are doomed because you can only cut costs so far. Once
you get to zero, there's nowhere else to go. But investment
thinking has no limits. How much did CERN invest in
Tim Berners Lee's web browsing technology? Where did
that lead to?

Michael Dillon