RE: is this true or... ?

Methinks what they are aiming for is trying to prevent spammers from hiding their origin using open relays/open proxies/stealthware. With the proper application of clue, maybe we'll have something to wield against the spammers.

I think this is bringing it back on topic,
Ms. Harris....

Ejay Hire wrote:

Methinks what they are aiming for is trying to prevent spammers from >hiding their origin using open relays/open proxies/stealthware.

  Agreed, However:

   "The Highway to Hell is paved with Good intentions."

With the
proper application of clue, maybe we'll have something to wield against >the spammers.

Like new base software from the IETF.

* cough *

Otherwise, we will -still- be missing the clue....

  I don't question the intentions, I question the structural
integrity of the composition of the pavement,
and where the road is -=leading=-.....

(Back on topic, Ma'am ? :wink: