RE: Is it time to abandon bogon prefix filters?

Then again, it does make Team Cymru an attractive target for DoS or even compromise if they can control routing policy to a degree for a large number of disparate networks. Especially if it gets in the way of for-profit spammers.

(Not trying to knock them, just providing a for consideration. I would certainly hope and expect that Team Cymru would do their due dilligance in that respect, but it seems like an attractive central point of failure to attack to me.)

- S

1. DOS of Cymru (as noted below).
2. False Positives. Your network is suddenly stranded. Maybe on purpose. (DOS of a network, e.g. China or Youtube).
3. False Negatives. A bogus network is suddenly centrally rubber-stamped. Could happen. We've seen a lot of shenanigans with the domain registrars--similar issues could happen here.

I guess I am just trying to say that a centralized trusted repository brings with it a chance for a single point of failure. Could be the pros outweigh the cons. There are issues with a de-centralized system as well (which is what brought this conversation about.) Nothing specific to Cymru.

--Patrick Darden

Hi, Skywing.

We've had a few DDoS attacks and lots of scans and hack attempts. Some of the DDoS attacks managed to wipe out our front-end. At no point were the route-servers impacted, since we keep them well away from our networks, widely distributed, and vigorously monitored (configs, responsiveness, advertisements).

Of course we're not perfect and there is no 100% solution, but we understand the implications of filtering gone awry (especially since we use it ourselves), and spend a lot of time and code keeping an eye on these things. Knowing that no one has a monopoly on imagination, we also have some friends at commercial pen-testers hit us regularly, just to be sure. :slight_smile:


Skywing wrote:

Then again, it does make Team Cymru an attractive target for DoS or even compromise if they can control routing policy to a degree for a large number of disparate networks. Especially if it gets in the way of for-profit spammers.

(Not trying to knock them, just providing a for consideration. I would certainly hope and expect that Team Cymru would do their due dilligance in that respect, but it seems like an attractive central point of failure to attack to me.)

Use a prefix list of existing bogons against the Team Cymru BGP feed. If
they are hacked this limits the possible attacks to the following bounds:

1) They advertise no address space, and you end up with no bogon filtering.
2) They advertise all of the IPv4 address space, but your prefix list
limits this to (an admittedly out-of-date) list of bogons.


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