RE: IP->Country Data (RE: ISP's Contact List)

I'm sure that this made it here before but:


I'm sure that this made it here before but:

Commercial service when there are several free ones available....

BTW - based on what I can see they are not updating data once per day but only once/month. Also having some experience in this matter I highly doubt that its much more accurate then what I got - it appears no matter what path you take to get the data, it would to a degree be wrong (difference
being which part is wrong). One possible way to resolve some issues could
be to have testing servers placed in several locations and analyze TTL for connections to various ips to determine how far its from several servers -
of course it would also not be accurate as ip networks are not necessarily interconnecting in the same region (CAIDA did their best with this method
some time ago but have not kept updated data as far as I know).

the most accurate systems i am aware of use online purchase statistical data
to increase accuracy. someone purchases a blue widget online, from a certain
ip address and with a credit card with a certain billing zip code, and
voila - they now have an idea of where that ip might be. of course, this
works best (only?) for residential ip addresses in broadband-enabled
neighbourhoods, but it's pretty darn good at telling me where i am (within
5-10 miles).


Too bad no one has servers in 100s or even a 1000 or more ISPs in dozens of countries with TCP connections to a statistically significant portion of the Internet on a daily basis who could possibly measure, say, RTT (not sure why TTL is relevant) and other things, and perhaps use that along with other information to create a database that they could then give to customers who need geo-location data for their "mission critical" applications.

That would probably be pretty darned accurate.

Of course, that would be a "commercial service"....


Too bad no one has servers in 100s or even a 1000 or more ISPs in dozens
of countries with TCP connections to a statistically significant portion
of the Internet on a daily basis who could possibly measure, say, RTT
(not sure why TTL is relevant) and other things, and perhaps use that
along with other information to create a database that they could then
give to customers who need geo-location data for their "mission critical"

That would probably be pretty darned accurate.

  You mean like Akamai?

Of course, that would be a "commercial service"....

  You mean like Akamai?



Too bad no one has servers in 100s or even a 1000 or more ISPs in dozens of countries with TCP connections to a statistically significant portion of the Internet on a daily basis who could possibly measure, say, RTT (not sure why TTL is relevant) and other things, and perhaps use that along with other information to create a database that they could then give to customers who need geo-location data for their "mission critical" applications.

Unless I'm mistaken you do (or at least as close to it as anygone got)
and that is one of the basis of your service!

That would probably be pretty darned accurate.

The point is it probably would not be as accurate as one could hope
because internet network infrastructure is network-centric and not necessarily region-based. Of course you could try to fully map INET
like CAIDA does and keep the info updated on "daily basis", pretty
hard work though...

Of course, that would be a "commercial service".... =)

Certainly having to support machine on every large network in every
city is rather troublesome otherwise. Of course this is probably
way overkill for IP->Country data.

The point is it probably would not be as accurate as one could
  hope because internet network infrastructure is network-centric
  and not necessarily region-based. Of course you could try to fully
  map INET like CAIDA does and keep the info updated on "daily
  basis", pretty hard work though...

You miss the point; what they have done is decouple the requirement
for correlation to a geographical location in optimizing content
delivery; the only thing they seem to care about is logical
topographical location.

As for the 'pretty hard work' part; they seem to be making money off
it; how's your gig going?

              The only thing necessary for the triumph
              of evil is for good men to do nothing. - Edmund Burke

  The point is it probably would not be as accurate as one could
  hope because internet network infrastructure is network-centric
  and not necessarily region-based. Of course you could try to fully
  map INET like CAIDA does and keep the info updated on "daily
  basis", pretty hard work though...

You miss the point; what they have done is decouple the requirement
for correlation to a geographical location in optimizing content
delivery; the only thing they seem to care about is logical
topographical location.

Well, "they" probably look at things like throughput and packloss, as well as logical topology / RTT.

But what do I know? :slight_smile:

As for the 'pretty hard work' part; they seem to be making money off
it; how's your gig going?

Not sure that's a fair comparison, since I didn't think William is doing this for money. (William, can you confirm?) Someone offering "less" service, but for "less" (or no) money seems perfectly reasonable. In fact, it's downright nice.

But doubt it would be as accurate. (Which is not a slight against William.)

I did not "miss the point". I just pointed that such data would not
be same as geographic location. That akamai does not need geo data
specifcally for their application setup is another matter entirely.

As for the 'pretty hard work' part; they seem to be making money off
it; how's your gig going?

I primarily make money from consulting and other work not from ISP services which I have not promoted from 2002.

Not sure that's a fair comparison, since I didn't think William is doing this for money.(William, can you confirm?)

Certainly true. All the data is available for free and it will not change.

To be fair, I do provide consulting service on how to integrate this
and similar data in other applications. Anyone else can do the same.