RE: Interesting google redirects.

(Apologies for the top-post.)

I've been experiencing the same. Seems like their geolocation data is busted (since last morning at least), if I had to take a guess.

- S

What networks are the affected clients on?

My IPs have been redirecting to google bk for several days. I thought it was just me.

I have seen some of our APAC customers getting redirected to; the internet egress point is in japan.

also some EU customers are getting redirected to .au domain

What networks are the affected clients on?

I seem to be getting redirected to Google HK as well for the last week to 2 weeks or so (I am in AU).

also some EU customers are getting redirected to .au domain

Mine got redirected to for a while.

I was being redirected to .ru earlier this week from UK addresses...
Has stopped now.


Noticed the same thing to the
Raymond Macharia

On this same subject. My techs have been complaining lately about our new VPS's we are making going to google.vm. Is there anything I can do on my end to get this corrected?


Mark Keymer

Raymond Macharia wrote:

(Hint: the NANOG list archives can often be helpful for this type of stuff!)


Sure you all know this already:

Temp fix for getting the .com version.


mine is redirecting to too :slight_smile: