RE: How to stop UltraDNS sales people calling

I had ultradns calling also but told them we weren't at a place to use
their product and they said ok and let me be. They were always
professional on the phone.

One more on the side of "They call all the time and won't leave us the
@#$@ alone, no matter how direct we are".

Fortunately, they don't call me (yet), but they have been calling
several other folks at our office repeatedly for years, despite being
told pretty bluntly to knock it off.


"Can I speak to so-and-so?"

"I'm sorry I can't help. I am a counter-terrorism officer monitoring
this line for reasons of national security."

Alexander Harrowell wrote:

"Can I speak to so-and-so?"

"I'm sorry I can't help. I am a counter-terrorism officer monitoring
this line for reasons of national security."

"Can I speak to so-and-so?"

"I'm sorry, he's in prison. He went on a shooting spree at a telemarketing call center."

"Oh, I don't work here - I'm a burglar"