RE: How many backbones here are filtering the makelovenotspam scr eensaver site?

From: []
Sent: Thursday, December 02, 2004 5:21 PM
Subject: RE: How many backbones here are filtering the makelovenotspam
scr eensaver site?


> As for, you don't show up much on my radar, but on
> Nov 9th we were hit by a spammer from
> [].
> I trust this is not a legitimate mail server and I can block
> it and any other host that looks like it within the same
> domain, right? Thanks.
> Otherwise, you may want to do something to distinguish it
> from the other generic hosts in the same range.

Glad you don't see much from us, must mean that the effort put forth
by some of our team is not going to waste. You are correct, that is
not a legitimate mail server but is an IP from a City Wide wireless
network. That network has since been secured to restrict TCP 25
outbound (along with other typical miscreant traffic) so you
shouldn't see anything again from that network on port 25. If we rise
up on your radar in the future feel free to make use of the typical
NOC and Abuse e-mail addresses, they do get answered and acted upon

Glad to hear that. Overall, I'm offering some operational
content on the publicity intensive Lycos botnet and provide
some level of operational analysis free of judgement of Lycos.

I'd be happy to argue about breadth, depth, and width of botnets
and their commodity status in email. :slight_smile:
