RE: How many backbones here are filtering the makelovenotspam scr eensaver site?

"Lycos Europe's 20 million users will all be invited to download
the software, but it is available to anyone with an internet connection
running either Windows or Mac OSX or Mac OS9 operating systems."

"Around 65,000 people already signed up for the offensive, called
"Make Love not Spam" before Tuesday's official launch on a website
by the same name, the company said. It is urging its 22 million users
to download the screen-saver, but says anyone with a computer is welcome
to it."

quoting me:

> > Um, not 1 million bots - in concert.
> And you know this how, exactly? I'm sure not convinced.

"Lycos Europe's 20 million users will all be invited to download
the software, but it is available to anyone with an internet connection
running either Windows or Mac OSX or Mac OS9 operating systems."

"Around 65,000 people already signed up for the offensive, called
"Make Love not Spam" before Tuesday's official launch on a website
by the same name, the company said. It is urging its 22 million users
to download the screen-saver, but says anyone with a computer is welcome
to it."

Yes, yes - I know that Lycos has tens of thousands. What I want to know
is how you know that there aren't existing 1M bot zombie nets aside from
the Lycos attempt (which as you can see, is thus far only comparable to
the 100K/day estimate given by Steve Linford).