RE: hotmail-msn

Here some previously posted...

->-----Original Message-----
->From: []On Behalf Of
->Gregory Hicks
->Sent: Friday, April 30, 2004 9:19 AM
->Subject: Re: hotmail-msn
->> From: "Geo." <>
->> Date: Fri, 30 Apr 2004 08:28:32 -0400
->> Is everyone else still having problems delivering email to MSN and
->> Hotmail? It seems the queues have gotten even longer over the past
->> 24 hours instead of improving. Was just wondering if it's us or if
->> everyone is seeing this?
->We've got the problem. I was going to call Hotmail later
->today - after
->I got to the office. (I've got to find the message that gives the
->pointer to the list of NOCs...)
->Gregory Hicks
->> Geo.
->Gregory Hicks | Principal Systems Engineer
->Cadence Design Systems | Direct: 408.576.3609
->555 River Oaks Pkwy M/S 6B1 | Fax: 408.894.3479
->San Jose, CA 95134 | Internet:
->I am perfectly capable of learning from my mistakes. I will surely
->learn a great deal today.
->"A democracy is a sheep and two wolves deciding on what to have for
->lunch. Freedom is a well armed sheep contesting the results of the
->decision." - Benjamin Franklin
->"The best we can hope for concerning the people at large is that they
->be properly armed." --Alexander Hamilton

Yes, it has gotten much worse. Noticed the other day that Hotmail added
a couple of extra IPs to their MX mix, but does not seem to have made
much difference. Connections to mx[1-4] very often time
out, are rejected, or break with 'service not available.'

Our queues to Hotmail/MSN have been quite deep all week.

Too bad we've been unable to get any other info on why, or whether the
problem is likely to clear up in the near future... our calls to them so
far was not netted much more than an acknowledgement of the issue.