RE: google contact? why is google hosting/supporting/encouragingspammers?

I feel fairly sure in saying that most mailing list software,
newsgroup software, and communication software in general,
will allow you to preemptively add people to your address
book, subscription lists, etc. Every router and switch out
there allows forged packets through them, should we lambast
the hardware manufacturers even though numerous
accompanying handbooks recommend good practice

Google has been very quick to deal with issues of spammers
every time I have brought it up.

> "here, have some free guns. oh, by the way, its probably
> bad if you go around shooting people, so don't do that."
> it is starting too look to me like google is quite happy to
> host spammers.
> or, at best, doesn't care if spammers use them to host
> their services.

I've found gmail is the current favored account amongst
forum spammers; I have to assume they are doing nothing
about abuse complaints because I find it quite unlikely
that the forums I operate just happen to be the first
ones that get abused by accounts signed up with gmail
addresses. I report each one to their abuse address,
probably goes to bit bucket. gmail is probably still
'beta' though so it's ok to let spammers use that too.


Lately I am flooded with Yahoo groups spammers and I have never gotten a
response out of Yahoo. I've never got a response from Microsoft with
regards to MSN or Hotmail spammers. I have gotten responses from Google
and they've shut down the spammers in question.

Our experience is not all encompassing While I could make noise about
the above, I don't believe either entity either encourages or tolerates
spammers. My experience suggests that spammer methods arrive in waves.
At one time I was flooded with yahoo messenger spam bots. Before then
were the ICQ bots. More recently it's Twitter bots.

Technology evolves, services and APIs become available and more
prevalent. Spammers discover them and flock to them. Report it and
deal with it as best can.