RE: FW: Worms versus Bots now religion host security vs firewall/nat/acl

Smith, Donald wrote:
Feel free to read the document and make suggestions
(within scope) for improvements.

I would change the title to something like "install windows xp and all
updates securely". The current title misleads the reader into thinking
that (s)he could actually use the computer at the end of the first day.

" Steps outlined in this guide should be seen as
minimum due diligence to make it through the first
day of using Microsoft Windows XP."

I disagree with this. Minimum due diligence _before_ using XP is IMHO
something along the lines of the list I posted earlier. A Windows
computer that does not have an antivirus is not ready to be used. A
Windows computer that does not have a good software firewall is not
ready to be used.

Use != install.
