RE: From Microsoft's site

From: []
Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2001 11:22 PM

I have *NO* evidence that Ramen was the actual cause other
than it's this
week's problem. However, I'm pretty sure that *whatever* happened,
the poor router tech was *already* having a Very Bad Day
before he ever GOT to the part where he changed the config.....

You know, there are times, when I am so tired or stressed out that I will
refuse to "su -". It took many, many, years of fixing the resultant
problems, to formulate that policy and set the threshold. At that point, I
don't care where the dead-line is, or how much $$$ is on the table. Because,
I *know* that I'll scrog (neat word) it when I do.

That router-tech needs to learn where their thresholds are.

I suspect that we've *not* heard the entire story yet, and that what was
classified as "operational error" was a reasonable response to something ELSE
that was running amok on the corporate net.

I also suspect that if/when the whole story comes out, we'll find that
the poor guys in the trenches did an admirable job of trying to fix
things while hamstrung by design decisions made by higher-ups and people
since departed. (Let's face it - if *one* of those 4 nameservers had
been in London with an IP somewhere in the 212/7 address block, nobody would have
blinked an eye....)

I also suspect that Dilbert will carry the least fictionalized version
of the truth.. :wink:

        Valdis Kletnieks
        Operating Systems Analyst
        Virginia Tech

I suspect that we've *not* heard the entire story yet, and that what was
classified as "operational error" was a reasonable response to something ELSE
that was running amok on the corporate net.


I also suspect that Dilbert will carry the least fictionalized version
of the truth.. :wink:

In speculation, a friend and I came up with:

Top 10 Things Overheard at Microsoft This Week

10) What Network Solutions bill?
9) A Record, B Record, what the hell's the difference?
8) The D.O.J. can kiss my ass, as of today we're ceding from the
7) Thank God I keep my resume on the Linux box.
6) Starting MS-DOS... COMMAND.COM not found...
5) We have a backup, but the restore program is on the backup tape.
4) PG&E just called, they said they're looking for more gerbils.
3) deny udp any any eq domain (86281032651934 matches)
2) Now that's what I call a Y2K bug!
1) Al Gore invented it, let him fix it.
