RE: Fire in bakery fries fiber optic cable

I used to have a customer who were in the forestry business. They had

a hundred miles or so of railroad down South that >went from one of
their sawmills to places that had lots of trees, and ran some telecom

cables along them. Where they had bridges, the cables would hang
underneath the bridges. They had some cable problems during the rainy

season, due to wetness, but they also ran into

problems during hunting season with guys named Bubba who'd shoot at

birds on their cables (presumably when they were

taking a break from their day job of driving backhoes...)

Speaking of Backhoes, there was a picture I had saved at one point,
can't find it now, maybe someone else has it..

It shows a backhoe, half-fallen down into a hole, on fire, huge tower of
flames coming up out of the hole. Sitting right next to the hole (this
picture was pre-popularity of photoshop, so I assume it to be legit) was
a big sign that said "Natural Gas Pipeline, do not dig".

Anyone who has this picture, email me offline.


Speaking of Backhoes, there was a picture I had saved at one point,
can't find it now, maybe someone else has it..

It shows a backhoe, half-fallen down into a hole, on fire, huge tower of
flames coming up out of the hole. Sitting right next to the hole (this
picture was pre-popularity of photoshop, so I assume it to be legit) was
a big sign that said "Natural Gas Pipeline, do not dig".

It was posted on underspace.

I don't see that photo there anymore, but it is a classic! :slight_smile:


Anyone who has this picture, email me offline.


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