RE: Enterprise syslog management and alert generation.

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From: Bill Nash []
Posted At: Tuesday, December 07, 2004 11:07 PM
Posted To: NANOG
Conversation: Enterprise syslog management and alert generation.
Subject: Re: Enterprise syslog management and alert generation.

The X over time is a new one, it's been mentioned a couple
times today, and I can certainly account for it. I've added
it to my rapidly growing list.

- billn

As a current Netcool user that is one of several things that we've
really come to like with their product. As Alexi says flexability in
rules is HUGE, and is one of the reasons we've been very pleased with
Netcool Omnibus. If there was an open source alternative I think it
would be very attractive. I would agree that the rules engine is
key. Oddly enough every operator is a little different and a solid
(and easy to use) rules engine can make all the difference in the

If you can be as good as Netcool then that is pretty impressive.


- ----------------------------
Chad E Skidmore
One Eighty Networks, Inc. - AS12111