RE: Draft of Rep. Berman's bill authorizes anti-P2P hacking

First I agree that this is BAD on general principle but...

IANAL but IMHO spewing cracked copies of say, Photoshop, or other copyright
violations might be considered probable cause with the specific place/things
being the share program and it's contents.

Sharing the content of your favorite program/CD/DVD with the world has never
met "fair use."

I had significant input in my life regarding the difference between "can"
and "may." IMHO significant numbers of net citizens have forgotten that

Just my 2�.

Best regards,

If your house was broken into, and your TV stolen, and you were walking along
and saw it in your neighbor's living room through the window, would that
give you the right to go in and reclaim it?

Would it exempt you from having to pay for a new door to replace the one
that got broken down?

You might want to ask yourself why the now-standard 17USC512 takedown
letter isn't sufficient.....

I wonder how many 'Hax0rs-R-Us' record labels are about to incorporate.

Bad JuJu.

I had significant input in my life regarding the difference between "can"
and "may." IMHO significant numbers of net citizens have forgotten that

therefore all of us need to give up our civil rights?

the terrorists have won.
