RE: DNS requests and Bandwidth

One way was to block requests from that DNS IP but that was not
practicle as many users on that DNS won't be able to communicate
with our server.

so What is the best way to prevent DNS queries consuming bandwidth.

Run an authoritative-only DNS server that won't respond
to queries for domains it doesn't handle. tinydns from
djbdns: Domain Name System tools would be an example.


> so What is the best way to prevent DNS queries consuming bandwidth.

Run an authoritative-only DNS server that won't respond to queries for
domains it doesn't handle. tinydns from djbdns: Domain Name System tools
would be an example.

with BIND9, you just have to install a zone by that name, containing an
A/ for every name you're seeing queries for. that'll get action
by whoever made the mistaken delegation toward your server... (i promise.)