RE: companies like microsoft and telia...

Perhaps someone could write a bcp for an email-form that lays out the


information so we can make the complaints use this format and all


departments can accept using this form, to get some structure to it?

yow. i first asked that this be done in 1998, and for this very reason
among others. can anybody beat that date (with an earlier one?) this is
a hard problem but with outlook forms and sri-style ascii templates it's
quite achievable. note though that many abusebots will reject MIME
since it might contain a virus. and, there will be huge controversies
about header munging, list cleaning, complaint forwarding, and >definitions


"abuse", "consent", "implied consent", "recourse", and "standing".

so if ``someone'' writes this up, count me as a grateful&willing
Paul Vixie

How about IODEF? Lots of CERT:s and company-internal abuse teams:s ticketing
systems are going to eat it with ease - if not now, soon.

FICORA / CERT-FI (Huopio Kauto) writes:

How about IODEF? Lots of CERT:s and company-internal abuse teams:s ticketing
systems are going to eat it with ease - if not now, soon.

please post a url so we can all take a look at the "IODEF" complaint format.