[Re: Change to .com/.net behavior]

i'm not sure if it could be cached, but i still see verisign pretending
to 0wn the net...

as is usually suggested on this list, do your talking with your money,
pull your zones from verisign, and never do business with them again,
file complaints with all relevant state and federal authorities, and let
the l33t Kiddi35 and spammers have some fun :wink: of course, the dept of
greed^Wcommerce will likely give verisign an 'attaboy' for coming up
with this stunt

while i am sure all of us (excepting the netsol/verisign lurkers) would
like to null route everything attached to them, it will do nothing but
make us look like the 'bad guys'. this is not the time for knee-jerk
reactions...but damn it would be nice to descend upon verisign's
corporate hq with clue-by-fours in hand :wink:


; <<>> DiG 9.2.1 <<>> jklkwekcie.com
;; global options: printcmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 25772
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 13, ADDITIONAL: 0

;jklkwekcie.com. IN A

jklkwekcie.com. 900 IN A

; <<>> DiG 9.2.1 <<>> jklkwekcie.net
;; global options: printcmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 11930
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 13, ADDITIONAL: 0

;jklkwekcie.net. IN A

jklkwekcie.com. 900 IN A


"Walk with me through the Universe,
And along the way see how all of us are Connected.
Feast the eyes of your Soul,
On the Love that abounds.
In all places at once, seemingly endless,
Like your own existence."
     - Stephen Hawking -

as is usually suggested on this list, do your talking with your money,
  pull your zones from verisign, and never do business with them again,

Ah, if you own any domains in .com or .net; you are doing business
with Verisign. Sorry...


   Flowers on the razor wire/I know you're here/We are few/And far
   between/I was thinking about her skin/Love is a many splintered
   thing/Don't be afraid now/Just walk on in. #include <disclaim.h>

Date: Mon, 15 Sep 2003 21:50:42 -0400
From: Joshua Sahala

i'm not sure if it could be cached, but i still see verisign
pretending to 0wn the net...

No, it's not cached. Try

  dig +norec @a.gtld-servers.net '*.net.' any

to confirm.
