RE: Broken Internet?

From: Adam McKenna []
Sent: Friday, March 16, 2001 1:26 AM

> Aha! I remember you now ...
> Say "multi-site distributed cluster". Other sites have to
talk to it.

What other sites? Is Colonel Beauregard[1] your DBA?

My point, you haven't the foggiest idea what my business is and yet you have
the cajones to make judgements against it in public.

> > You decided to run a business on DSL, and now you're paying
> > the price for
> > that. You really have nothing to complain about except
your own bad
> > judgement. Why is this thread still going?
> Now, the last I looked, DSL was SUPPOSED to be sold to
businesses. The poor
> consumer is stuck the cable. BTW, the DSL worked fine,
right up until Covad
> cut it off.

DSL has always been a cheap, semi-reliable solution for
people that didn't
want to pay the money for a dedicated circuit. If you
believe otherwise then
you were duped by a sales droid.

DSL has been very reliable. Moreso than some client's T1's have been. The
outage was caused by a business failure between my IAP and my ISP. All I
know is that the lights went out on 7Feb01, without warning. DSL behaves
like a dedicated circuit and 1.1Mbps SDSL is close enough to 1.54Mbps T1, at
1/4 the price, to make it worthwhile. Additionally, you don't have to tune
the link and it doesn't need to be hand-rebooted when the CSU/DSU drops (all
the things they don't tell you about T1's). You've been listening to too
many telco sales-droids.

> Do you always blame your sister for getting raped?

You're an ass.

You started the name-calling son ... and this victim doesn't appreciate
being made into a criminal. If I'm an ass then you're a judgemental ass...
and an ignorant one.

By the way, tell your broken mailer to stop CC'ing me on every post.

Not broken ... done on purpose. My poor DSL connection isn't that reliable
so I want to make sure that you get the message. I wouldn't want you to
think that I'm talking behind your back.

DSL has been very reliable. Moreso than some client's T1's have been. The
outage was caused by a business failure between my IAP and my ISP. All I
know is that the lights went out on 7Feb01, without warning. DSL behaves
like a dedicated circuit and 1.1Mbps SDSL is close enough to 1.54Mbps T1, at
1/4 the price, to make it worthwhile. Additionally, you don't have to tune
the link and it doesn't need to be hand-rebooted when the CSU/DSU drops (all
the things they don't tell you about T1's). You've been listening to too
many telco sales-droids.

Yeah, your DSL was real reliable until it went down for a month. That's
almost what, 92% uptime?

> > Do you always blame your sister for getting raped?
> You're an ass.

You started the name-calling son ... and this victim doesn't appreciate
being made into a criminal. If I'm an ass then you're a judgemental ass...
and an ignorant one.

Do you have a sister, Roeland? What exactly is your excuse for posting
something so offensive?


> DSL has always been a cheap, semi-reliable solution for people
> that didn't want to pay the money for a dedicated circuit.

This, I agree with.

DSL behaves like a dedicated circuit

Dedicated in what sense? "Always up" nature? Aggregation hierarchy /
topology? Bandwidth, considering your provider might be _losing_
money with transit/ops/etc costs factored in, if you're using it al
full line rate 24x7?

Additionally, you don't have to tune the link and it doesn't need to
be hand-rebooted when the CSU/DSU drops (all the things they don't
tell you about T1's).

What circuit-level fine tuning and rebooting do you speak of? Is the
telco running Microsoft DACS Server(TM) in the CO? :wink:

But yeah, putting all your eggs in one basket could make for a nice
single point of failure. Or calculated risk. Your call...


Unfortunately it seems most ILECs are running m$ dacs server these days,
given all the dacs problems we are seeing


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