RE: bgp geopolitical analysis (warning: zero operational content. or so.)

How about mapping BGP info to Per Capita Income. I imagine you might
see a better correlation there.


: How about mapping BGP info to Per Capita Income. I imagine you might
:see a better correlation there.

Bill Cheswick did some work in mapping ASN's to countries,
(among other things) particularly with his work monitoring
BGP tables during the Kosovo troubles. I can't find the link
to it, but I thoughtit was on CAIDA somewhere. I'm sure he's
on the list and could provide the link, assuming he reads this

I tried to assemble something like this (ASN to country mapping) a couple of
years ago when I was looking into the feasabililty of data sanctions
against different countries. I decided that it was feasable, and promptly
neglected to follow up on actually doing the data corelation. (also known
as the 'science' of it in hindsight...)

The data that started this thread provides some interesting insight into
that very problem. As the major players online converge, we aren't so
much seeing a crystalizing effect (like telcom networks) as we are
a congealing of networks into geopolitical clots.

As wars are fought using sanctions and attacks on
infrastructure, our understanding of geography is changing from
geopolitical to what could best be described as "geocorporative".

    How about mapping BGP info to Per Capita Income. I imagine you might
  see a better correlation there.

actually, you don't.
also note that it's not the same kind of metric,
because there is no 'whole pie' to cut up --
you're dealing with per-country means.
also note that per capita income really isn't
wildly different in the US versus other
Internet-using countries --

but brad obliged you anyway, capita income is in here:

i'm not gonna add it to the real page because
the type of metric is fundamentally different
enough to be confusing, and it doesn't add
any additional insight.

k claffy wrote:

but brad obliged you anyway, capita income is in here:

This one is interesting :slight_smile:


k claffy wrote:
  > but brad obliged you anyway, capita income is in here:
  This one is interesting :slight_smile:

oh man, k's elf gets punchy w axislabels;
sorry about that, i'll close the directory
and make him take a vacation :slight_smile: