RE: Bandwidth Control Question

Curiouos, you have success buying on Ebay? No one send you a box of rocks?

What about Cisco SPAR for TAC support?

buying, selling you name it. Hardware on Ebay is usually less than
anywhere else. WRT failures you can normally afford 2 or more from Ebay
for the price difference of (buying elsewhere + support contract). For
business use beware hardware that has self-destruct worded licenses
for software like IOS or netapp DoT on it.

Just picked up a CSU/DSU for $1 that I will be using in a home test lab.
(The guy was selling 5 for $1 each...I had to resist the urge to buy all


Curiouos, you have success buying on Ebay?

yep. use rating system

No one send you a box of rocks?


What about Cisco SPAR for TAC support?

new cisco parts
