[Re: [Backbone Infrastructure and Secrecy]]


Exactly. I think we all agree that this kind of information would be
usefull for a variety of reasons (locating available resources,
ensuring path redundancy, identifying critical points of failure,
etc). I think we all agree that this information, in the wrong hands,
can also be used for naughty purposes.

what information can't? as a long running american psa said "knowledge
is power"

How do we balance these opposing factors? I like the idea of a
clearinghouse where one can access the data after a background check
and a NDA.

how many spies have gone through this same process? since when does
an nda matter to someone who is already breaking a law/rule? i believe
it was jared who pointed this out earlier.

At the state level, the logical place would be the PUC. They have all
the data, but do they have it all in a single GIS database? They
should, but I doubt they do.

the puc is the last two states the i have lived in had trouble keeping
track of my bill payments and name, so why should i think that they can
handle something this big and important?
but, i do think that they are working on something like it - there are
(or were) a lot of postings for gis programmers....

At the national level, is there any department or agency to go to? It
certainly doesn't sound like it. What would it take to get a project
such as Mr. Gorman's done by the federal government so that there
would be a single place to go?

well it took forming the ministry of homeland secrecy to get the
disparate agencies to talk to one another </sarcasm>

Does the government already have this information locked up behind
closed doors? It seems like they would. Is there any reason not to
make it available to interested parties that have a valid reason to
access it?

total information awareness?

Would the infrastructure owners oppose such a system being publically

i think that they would say no

After all, they don't want their competitors to copy their good
design or take advantage of underserved markets revealed by the maps.
But it seems they would have much to gain as well - potential
customers will know who to go to for service.

or their bad designs (which is part of the root of this issue).
competition (or lack thereof) would be another motivator to keep it
good for customers != good for the monoplizing companies who control
much of this infrastructure

It sounds like the current trend is toward supressing this kind of
But as an industry, it is in our best interest to compile this
information and make it available to the proper parties.

better yet, make it widely available and subject to a lot of scrutiny
and work to fix the problems (think openbsd - one remote compromise
in how many years...)



"Walk with me through the Universe,
And along the way see how all of us are Connected.
Feast the eyes of your Soul,
On the Love that abounds.
In all places at once, seemingly endless,
Like your own existence."
     - Stephen Hawking -

Date: Tue, 08 Jul 2003 18:14:59 -0400
From: Joshua Sahala

better yet, make it widely available and subject to a lot of scrutiny
and work to fix the problems (think openbsd - one remote compromise
in how many years...)

Turn off daemons. Hope the IP stack doesn't offer a compromise.
