re: AT&T outage (was: the whole world disappeared)

According to Sean Donelan:

> All AT&T InterSpan North American frame services are down. Our 200
> site WAN just went dark. No ETA for repair.

I'm starting to feel jinxed.

This afternoon AT&T was in the office explaining how wonderful their
network was, and tonight the AT&T network falls over.

We're in trouble - AT&T was also at my office yesterday - same
sales pitch I believe :slight_smile:

It's been close to 12 hours, and we are still not seeing any routers
on the AT&T connected frame services - any word on an ETA?

Tue Apr 14 04:31:49 EDT 1998

We currently have no pager service from Pagemart - same deal, its AT&T
frame relay related.

This is going on 24 hours now, and Pagemart has no restoral estimate.

For us this is EXTREMELY serious, as that is our NOC emergency alert system;
we alert via automated alpha page to selected people when something breaks.
For now we'll live, but this means that things will get VERY dicey if we run
into any significant trouble nad need to call people in or get ahold of them.

Thank GOD that we don't have any AT&T frame relay service.

Tue Apr 14 11:04:07 CDT 1998

# We currently have no pager service from Pagemart

We do, and they're in the process of re-routing calls onto
I sympathize with Pagemart's troubles a little, but their
customer service gets a low rating for how they're handling
this. We're still using the pagers, against the time when
Pagemart is stable, but we've got a follow-up procedure in
front of our NOC in case there's no reply to pages.


On Tue, Apr 14, 1998 at 11:24:43AM -0500, Bob Izenberg put this into my mailbox:

I sympathize with Pagemart's troubles a little, but their
customer service gets a low rating for how they're handling
this. We're still using the pagers, against the time when
Pagemart is stable, but we've got a follow-up procedure in
front of our NOC in case there's no reply to pages.

Well, it's made the news, at least:,4,21061,00.html?


This is why my company uses qpage to deliver alpha pages to our
NOC staff. Before using qpage, email was the method used to deliver the
pages. Now we use qpage to deliver them. In the case of the qpage server
taking a nose-dive, we attempt to deliver via email. In the case of both
services being unavailable someone is on hand to contact NOC staff the old
fashioned method :slight_smile: I suggest looing at the qpage package available at


We currently have no pager service from Pagemart - same deal, its AT&T
frame relay related.

Seems like AT&T PCS Short Message Service is not impacted! Phew! *sigh*