RE: assistance available

We also have lots of colo space and bandwidth available in NJ
(Newton, Jersey City (1 Evertrust and 34 Exchange Place). We also
have assurances from Verizon that we can get T1 and ADSL circuits
installed in record time for those who had connectivity to anywhere
in NJ. Connections terminating in NY are obviously not a priority for
anyone right now. We can also provide single user or LAN dialup/ISDN
for those affected so they can get the word out that they are ok.



We also offer to help with anyone who needs some off-network DNS
help or temporary backup MX hosting. We're also available to lend a
hand in any network or systems issue that we can. Our machines are in
California and have been totally unaffected.

At this point, extremely low TTLs on DNS records might not be a bad
thing and we're more then happy to do that for people.


Hash: SHA1

If it's needed, I can also offer temporary dns service in NYC (uu,
sprint & bbn), AZ & TX.


- --
Matt Levine
ICQ : 17080004

- -----Original Message-----

Me too...

If anyone needs some neteng help (cisco, circuits etc) i'm in Atlanta, but I
don't much to do for several weeks. Let me know if you need remote or onsite
help (travel as best I can). Also basic sysadmin (unix and NT) and IT
managment work. I don't have any facilities to provide however.


"Matt Levine" <> writes:

If it's needed, I can also offer temporary dns service in NYC (uu,
sprint & bbn), AZ & TX.

I can offer DNS and MX in PA.


I have a machine in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Europe that can
provide backup MX and DNS services (or even primary MX if you really
want to) for anybody who needs it.

Btw after all the disasters, this offer still stands for anything

Greetz, Peter

If it will help anyone, Nominum would be happy to provide 3 months free service on our DNS hosting platform (sites w/ multiple transit providers and peers at LINX, PAIX-East, PAIX, and LAAP currently with Tokyo added as soon as we can ship the boxes there). Contact me for details.
