RE: AS3266: BitCanal hijack factory, courtesy of Cogent, GTT, and Level3

I suppose next you'll be telling me to get rid of
my CRT when it works just fine? Black background,
white text. :slight_smile:


People - please just stop the off topic chatter. It is ludicrous that a
thread about bgp hijacks morphed into font discussions.

Either contribute to the operational issue at hand by evaluating your terms
& conditions (or abuse policies) and applying them to your operations, or
remain silent.

hey all,

while I'm in no place to make demands or requests of anyone, like many of
you I have this thread on "loud". it may be beneficial to add a
"-discussions" for when threads go off topic. outages implemented something
similar and (for the most part) squelched the "me too" and off-topic
threads from the main sub list with mods politely reminding off topic
messages to use discussions for banter.

I love read the conversation but as with most folks, maybe keeping it
relevant to the subscription model.

there's always discord, slack, mumble and IRC if you want to make a banter
area too.


People - please just stop the off topic chatter. It is ludicrous that a
thread about bgp hijacks morphed into font discussions.

Either contribute to the operational issue at hand by evaluating your terms
& conditions (or abuse policies) and applying them to your operations, or
remain silent.

ah! there are net police.

come back with a warrant

Of course there are cuz I made them up 24 years ago:
