RE: ARIN is A Good Thing

Morons. You fight for paying less taxes April 15th, but
  act like sheep when it comes to analyzing simple business:

Which are going/have gone (depending on who you ask) away. The IP
services are being supported by DNS revenues.


Having to pay for this service is inevitable. NSF support was temporary.
Using DNS revenues is unworkable in the long term, as DNS services will be
spread over multiple entities and no longer able to support IP allocation,
which isn't appropriate anyway... Revenues should be associated with the
cost drivers. DNS revenues to support DNS services, IP Allocation fees to
support IP registration.

  IF DNS pays for IP and the InterNIC made $60M profit DESPITE
  also doing IP, then clearly DNS fees are too high.

  IF ARIN means that IP pays for IP and the DNS funds are unfettered,
  then that $60M profit (in one year) would be much more than $60M.

  Personally I think ARIN is a piece of shit. It's only that stupid
  because of arbitrary, capricious, and high pricing. (See CIX, 1994).

  If ARIN had any iota of real power (i.e. if it had the backing of
  anyone real) and if it had real pricing (i.e. its costs were based on
  a cost-recovery model, not a make-lots-of-money-for-scumbags model)
  it would succeed.

  I'll give you a clue. Domain registrations pay for DNS and IP allocs
  and leave the Internic $60M in the black. I'd say that means that
  your average ISP should pay _less_ for DNS and part of the difference
  applied to ARIN.

  With no offense to Internic, IANA, Jon, or Jbb. If I have to pay
  the Internic (and I do) and they can also support IP (and they do)
  and come out $60M black (they do!) then they can damn well fund their
  own damn program to assign the goddamned addresses without billing me.

  p.s. As to the argument that "many nics mean that $50/domain won't
  cover IP" perhaps "many nics" is not a good idea. Not if it hits
  every ISP out ther efor $5K-$10K/year. Get a grip.