RE: Annoying Ascend GRF thread

To the people that seem to want to discuss the Ascend GRF
deployment, might I suggest using the ascend mailing list, or starting


seperate mailing list for this discussion. I don't believe that this
thread really belongs in this forum. [deleted]

It's about as "operational" as any thread on NANOG ever gets. Let's go
with it.


On that note, I've got my GRF up and running and doing BGP with my
upstream. Right now it's just IBGP, and I'm not propogating it to the
rest of my routers on the network, so the connection isn't up fully. One
thing I've not been able to do yet is get the aspath stuff working. I've
got what I consider to be regular expressions that should do it (this is a
duplicate of a link I already have going into my cisco) but I have no idea
where to place it in the gated.conf file, and the statement I have causes
gated to groan and not load on gdc reconfig. If anyone has any insight
into this that might be able to help me, I'd be most appreciative.
Answers are encouraged off list if possible. This message is also being
sent to the gated mailing list, if I've finally got a reply back from
their listserv.

Joe Shaw -
NetAdmin - Insync Internet Services
"Learn more, and you will never starve." - Paraphrase of Lee