RE: [afnog] ARIN to allocate from 74/8 & 75/8

Hi, NANOGers.

] due to filtering issues at the hosting provider of the cymru
] pingable, the data plane story is not as sanguine. i am told
] it will not be fixed until the weekend.

That's not quite correct. :slight_smile: One of our transit providers had some
outdated filters

We all have change management windows. This type of work
would progress via these processes that we each have. In many
cases, there are more than one CM process something like this
would have to traverse. said:
ARIN will begin allocating IP address space from /8 and
/8 within the next 2 weeks. ARIN was issued 74 /8, 75 /8, and 76 /8 by the
IANA on June 17, 2005.

If this isn't just a pingable address with the resolutions left to
all of us, this is not enough time for testing.


#.#.1.2 is pingable in all three of the Cymru-announced networks.