RE: 252 Active TLDs

@ Nah, you don't understand. Somebody have already taken
@ .XXX. I suppose that claim is illegitimate, and the rights to
@ that TLD belong to me. You see, i own the trademark XXX (cyrillic
@ HA-HA-HA), valid in Russian Federation.
@ Now, would you please hand me rights to dispose the TLD .XXX as
@ i see fit?

It sounds like you would be a good candidate
to be a "channel partner". You should contact the
.XXX registry.

Of course you could also start the .HAHAHA
Top Level Domain. If you want to start the
HAHAHA.MALL check with me...:wink:

No, i would like to enforce my rights and therefore request that
this particular TLD being made unavailable to clients on the
territory of R.F. I certainly do not want to share it with
someone else.
