Re[2]: The in-your-face hijacking example, was: Re: Who is announcing bogons?

Hello Everyone,

Let’s see if we can clarify this once and for all. ISD owner was a good friend of mine and helped me when I ran a computer store. Without him I couldn’t run the store and over the years I have repaid him for his contributions. A few years ago I closed the computer store and started Atrivo. At first we acquired /24’s direct from the providers themselves and was statically routing everything. We did this for a few years until recently when we upgrade our routers and decided to BGP. We have grown to the point that we have to prepare for the future.

After discussing our expansion plans to Rob, I came to find out that he did posses a /16 which his now defunct company wasn’t using anymore. From that point I found out what it would take from Arin to have us use the space. We followed all the steps that Arin had told us to do. We of course wanted to update contact information to reflect the new change and so we can respond to any issues that may arrive running a ISP.

All our providers and vendors know us as a respectable company. There is nothing wrong that we have done and all this witch hunting is unjust and unfair. Might I mention that Spews, SpamHaus or anyone that has made these claims has not even attempted to give me a call. I have even tried to make arrangements to meet up at the colo and to show anyone that we are for real. Of course this has been always declined.

Well I don’t know how much this will help, since it’s seems that no matter what I offer or do is just not enough. Maybe I have to give my DNA just to prove who I am?


Atrivo - Web Innovation
Emil Kacperski
Phone: 925-550-3947
ICQ: 23531098

I would also like to state on Emil’s behalf that from what I know as one of his providers that seems to be a true story. I assigned and swipped him ip space which he has used and I have never gotten one spam complaint from the space we assigned him.

I have had a couple port scanning complaints however Emil himself has told me to null these blocks and notify him shutting them down first and dealing with the issue in a more controled way. Emil has on many occasions restarted machines or helped with server work in the colos we occupy together and I’m glad to have him as a customer. If again someone out there has documented proof that these blocks are stolen please present them to me on or off list I’ll be glad to react appropriately. I’ll also publically offer here to assist Emil in obtaining a direct allocation which would be entirely new if he wishes that may put this matter to bed as well. I definitely appreciate input from everyone however this is the first time I’d ever been presented with a case like this. So I’m learning and if anyone disagrees with me please tell me. I’m always up for discussion and know there are many on this list far more qualified and experienced than my self. I’m quite certain that this has gone way way off topic however so I’ll stop here and hopefully we can get back to more operational discussions.

Hello Everyone,

  [ Emil Goes Big snipped ]

  All our providers and vendors know us as a respectable company.
  There is nothing wrong that we have done and all this witch
  hunting is unjust and unfair. Might I mention that Spews,
  SpamHaus or anyone that has made these claims has not even
  attempted to give me a call. I have even tried to make
  arrangements to meet up at the colo and to show anyone that we are
  for real. Of course this has been always declined.

Would you care to explain the torrent of malfeasant spam I've observed
originating from the following networks: