>Check this out, I can't get to Orbz's website anymore (and I suspect you
>can't either):

We can't either. Attached is a letter from a customer forwarded
to our upstream (another above.net victim/ISP). If Above.Net wants
to shed customers like a duck sheds water these filters will surely
have that effect.

Point of clarification:

RBL is a registered service mark of MAPS, refering to the Realtime Blackhole List.

This has **nothing** to do with us. At All.

Correction: Other than the these two things:

a) Paul Vixie is a cofounder, chairman and CEO of MAPS LLC and at same
time CTO of MFN (parent of above.net)

b) Dave Rand is a cofounder and executive director of MAPS LLC and at same
time EVP of MFN.

Don't get me wrong, I like MAPS and I think ORBS/MAPS flamewars are silly.
(And certainly hoping I'm not starting one now). But a little bit of
honesty never hurt anyone, and its a bit disingenious to say that there's
absolutely nothing in common between Above/MFN and MAPS.


Correction: Other than the these two things:

a) Paul Vixie is a cofounder, chairman and CEO of MAPS LLC and at same
time CTO of MFN (parent of above.net)

I have no operational or otherwise active role in MAPS and have not had
such a role for quite some time. I am also no longer MFN's CTO; rather,
I'm president of MFN's PAIX.Net subsidiary, which means among other things
that I have absolutely nothing to do with Abovenet policy.

b) Dave Rand is a cofounder and executive director of MAPS LLC and at same
time EVP of MFN.

Dave Rand resigned from MFN earlier this year.

Don't get me wrong, I like MAPS and I think ORBS/MAPS flamewars are silly.
(And certainly hoping I'm not starting one now). But a little bit of
honesty never hurt anyone, and its a bit disingenious to say that there's
absolutely nothing in common between Above/MFN and MAPS.

There were nominal commonalities between the management teams of these
organizations at various times in the past, but no interdependent
relationship or shared goals or shared fate between them, *ever*. And
today there are *no* commonalities between the company's management teams.

I hope that's honest enough for you.

Point of clarification:

RBL is a registered service mark of MAPS, refering to the Realtime
Blackhole List.

This has **nothing** to do with us. At All.

Correction: Other than the these two things:

a) Paul Vixie is a cofounder, chairman and CEO of MAPS LLC and at same
time CTO of MFN (parent of above.net)

Paul has zero involvement at MAPS. He hasn't had any involvement with MAPS for quite a while. AFAIK, he is President of PAIX, not CTO of MFN.

b) Dave Rand is a cofounder and executive director of MAPS LLC and at
same time EVP of MFN.

Dave is the Executive Director of MAPS. He is no longer at MFN. Hasn't been for a quite a while.

Don't get me wrong, I like MAPS and I think ORBS/MAPS flamewars are
silly. (And certainly hoping I'm not starting one now). But a little
bit of honesty never hurt anyone, and its a bit disingenious to say
that there's absolutely nothing in common between Above/MFN and MAPS.

I am never anything BUT painfully honest. There is nothing disingenuous about this at all. There is *no* relationship between the management of MAPS and that of above.net, MFN, PAIX or any other entity.

Please check your facts before you question someone's integrity.

Well, the question is whether there HAS been a relationship and how that
relationship still affects above.net policies. If any of the named
relationships has affected the implementation of the above.net filtering
policy then they're still valid as a reason for the policy still being in

It's always easier to maintain status quo than it is to change something.

The named persons might not have any formal involvement with above.net
anymore, but I'd be surprised if they still didn't have any influence or
"cast any shadows" within the company.

I know several examples of this in "internet-Sweden" where some very
influential persons in the past might not have a formal involvement
anymore, but you still see their influence everywhere when it comes to how
things are handled.

--- Someone wrote:

Well, the question is whether there HAS been....
..... If any of the named relationships has affected....
...then they're still valid as a reason for....
The named persons might not have.....
....I'd be surprised if....
I know several examples of....
...persons in the past might not have...

blah, blah, blah, blah, blah......

Before this gets any further out of hand, I reiterate my vote for
the creation of the nanog-i-hate-maps list.


-Jim P.

Oh the irony! People are pissed off that someone is censoring the

Go above.net! Go!!! They get my vote 100%

J.A. Terranson

Correction: Other than the these two things:

a) Paul Vixie is a cofounder, chairman and CEO of MAPS LLC and at same
time CTO of MFN (parent of above.net)

  No, he's not.

b) Dave Rand is a cofounder and executive director of MAPS LLC and at same
time EVP of MFN.

  No, he's not.

Don't get me wrong, I like MAPS and I think ORBS/MAPS flamewars are silly.
(And certainly hoping I'm not starting one now). But a little bit of
honesty never hurt anyone, and its a bit disingenious to say that there's
absolutely nothing in common between Above/MFN and MAPS.

  No, there isn't.
