RBL quandry - opinions hereby solicited

I don't really see this as SPAM. It's is annoying, but I would place it in
the same classification as a credit card company, one that I hold a card
from. sending me junk mail. Since they (Network solutions), have developed
this mailing list from infomation you provided to them in registering
They are entitled to contact you. You may, of course complain, and they
(Network solutions), are of course are entitled to take no action.

Ron Johnson

Paul A Vixie <paul@vix.com> on 11/16/98 02:17:36 AM

Except for one problem:

  What other gTLD choices do you have if you don't like their policy?

That's not correct at all. Just because you provide information for one
purpose does not, and should not, be blanket permission to use that
information for any other purposes. When you provide info to the credit
card company, you can usually tell them you don't want junk mail from them.
Even if you cannot, it's not reasonable to expect junk mail from, say, a
vacuum cleaner company that has a deal with the credit card company.

This is a perfect example of NSI's use of their database as a mailing
list...something they have repeatedly denied that they will do (despite
what their SEC filings say). The email was not for the benefit of NSI, it
was for the benefit of Verisign...but the mailing list was not developed by
Verisign nor were the spams sent from Verisign. NSI sold their database
and mailing services like any common street whor^H^H^H spammer. And they
probably didn't even sell it, given the inside track Verisign has there.

You provided your information for registering a domain. That was the
purpose for which the relationship was established. NSI could reasonably
send you UCE relating to your domain registration because that relates to
the relationship. This crap does not count. Remember that this spam is NOT
touting an NSI service (they could get away with something touting
WorldNIC, for example) but shilling another company's service.

NOTE: Remember that they did this last spring, too...resulting in much
outcry. I suppose we can look forward to more of it in the future.

Spammers should be investigated by Ken Starr!

Dean Robb
PC-EASY computer services
(757) 495-EASY [3279]

Well, unfortunately, although I don't like the mailings, they *can* claim
the "existing business relationship". It would be nice, as I've already
mentioned, if they'd let people opt-in when they registered a domain.


the difference is, if you hold a credit card from a company that contacts
you all the time with at best uninteresting offers, you have the CHOICE to
seek another credit card company. at the MOMENT, who of us has an option
to seek another company to register domains with?

it's spam. in my humble opinion, paul, they should be warned that they are
in danger of being added to the blackhole list...if and only because so
many of us DO have to rely on them. the warning should be along the lines
of no UCE, put something on your webpage for an opt IN choice if someone
does want to receive information on this site. if they don't
respond...*shrug* treat them just like any other spammer.

personally i think it is worse that they are sending UCE because they know
they have a captive audience and there isn't TOO much we can do about it.

melinda thompson

it's spam. in my humble opinion, paul, they should be warned that they are
in danger of being added to the blackhole list...if and only because so
many of us DO have to rely on them.

we don't rely on the server they use to send this spam, though. if we have
to blackhole that one server, it will NOT affect their registry functions.
a little bit of work with "show ip bgp" on a core router will demonstrate
that "netsol" and "internic" have different connectivity -- different
address blocks, different autonomous system numbers, and different transit

fyi, we're now in discussions with their sales/marketing management.
they have agreed to stop sending this type of mail until at least the
conclusion of our discussions with them. i view this as the best possible
outcome, far better than blackholing them. (though that possibility still
exists, if they won't change their marketing practices.)

now as to whether they own the data they resell, or whether they're abusing
public funds or trust, or whether they're trying to take over the internet,
hell i don't know any more than the rest of you. but those are not the
reasons they'd be blackholed so i don't need to know any more than i do.

Paul, if there is an opt-out option available, or that
become available that you determine from your discussions,
information about that if you get it would be much appreciated
by myself, and probally a lot of others here.

  - jared