RANCID script for monitoring the routes received from peers.


We are running IX in India.Has some one written script for monitoring the
routes announcement from peers?If yes,would you like to share code with
me.It can be done via one script under the framework of RANCID.I want to
know difference of routes,which has been added or removed.
Thanks in advance.
Ajay Kumar

Ajay Kumar (joinajay1) writes:


We are running IX in India.Has some one written script for monitoring the
routes announcement from peers?If yes,would you like to share code with
me.It can be done via one script under the framework of RANCID.I want to
know difference of routes,which has been added or removed.
Thanks in advance.
Ajay Kumar

  Hi Ajay,

  Are you running IOS, JunOS, something else ? You could do it
  via Rancid, using *login scripts. But there are ways to do this using SNMP
  and BGP mibs:

  Free BGP4-MIB SNMP MIB Download - Free MIB Download - Search MIBs - OiDViEW

  Note that the network monitoring platform Observium has built-in
  support for tracking BGP sessions.

  Finally, another way to do this that could spare the CPU on on
  your routers if you run this often would be to setup a peer running
  Quagga (or BIRD) on a Linux/BSD host and run the monitoring there.


that will only provide the calculated prefix entries from the RIB, not the
received-routes from each host. I.e. it's not necessarily going to be 100%
