RADB account deletions

It looks like the former Allstream RADB account (MAINT-AS15290) and all associated route objects were removed from RADB today. The deletion mainly impacts Canadian route objects registered by the former Allstream (now Zayo). Q9 Networks MAINT-AS12188 was deleted at the same time.

For those interested, I think this is roughly what was deleted:

snapshot/20200302-0001/whois.radb.net$ awk 'BEGIN {RS=""; FS="\n"} /MAINT-AS15290/ {print $0 "\n"}' radb.db > MAINT-AS15290.2020.03.02.txt

file @ http://instituut.net/~job/MAINT-AS15290.2020.03.02.txt

I'm sure RADB staff can restore was appropriate if they are contacted.

Kind regards,


I know that ARIN had some IRR related issues in the last week, but you may want to move objects there if feasible.

- Jared

RADB MAINT-AS15290 was restored this morning along with all the original route objects. The proxy route objects I added Tuesday were replaced by the original MAINT-AS15290 objects.

For those who don’t follow Canadian ISP mergers/acquisitions, Q9 was acquired by Bell (AS577) in 2016. Not sure to what extent they’ve been integrating its network into the larger nationwide Bell network.

I’m curious if there’s a reason that objects are not being placed in the ARIN IRR? It’s free to use to ARIN members and is mirrored by all the major players.

- Jared

The ARIN IRR doesn't support an API interface like the RADB IRR. I hear that ARIN is working on an API, but I don't know the timeline. I don't want to go back to email templates.


I actually ended up writing a python script to send ARIN's robot IRR updates because I got tired of dealing with the email templates. An API would be a fantastic improvement.